NSA - a classic parody ... Big Brother loses his sense of humor (4 November 2013) ...item 2b.. Joe Walsh - A Life Of Illusion ...

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NSA – a classic parody … Big Brother loses his sense of humor (4 November 2013) …item 2b.. Joe Walsh – A Life Of Illusion …
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Image by marsmet549
It's vital 'that we clarify whether or not these types of laws are consistent with the rights as Americans under the First Amendment,' he told the station.

A message left for comment with Public Citizen has not yet been returned.

……..*****All images are copyrighted by their respective authors ……..

…..item 1)…. Big Brother loses his sense of humor: NSA orders satirical T-shirt maker to cease and desist

… Mail Online – Daily Mail … www.dailymail.co.uk/news/

… The clever shirts were inspired by the Edward Snowden revelations about the NSA’s domestic spying
… The spy agency quickly sent him a cease and desist letter, on grounds of intellectual property infringement
… Dan McCann is fighting back, suing the spooks for violating his First Amendment rights

PUBLISHED: 16:39 EST, 4 November 2013 | UPDATED: 17:45 EST, 4 November 2013


A Minnesota gnraphic designer who made fun of the NSA has found himself in a legal battle with the agency which is trying to ban his creation.

Drawing inspiration from the revelations made this year by Edward Snowden, Dan McCall, 38, of Sauk Rapids, created a humorous T-shirt poking fun at the agency's domestic spying programs, causing the spooks to send him a cease and desist letter.

'When I got finished I thought, this is pretty good – I thought it was fun,' the NSA disagreed, forcing the shirts off the market – now Mr McCall is fighting back, according to WCCO.

img code photo … ‘Peeping while you’re sleeping’


‘Peeping while you’re sleeping’: This T-shirt drew the ire of NSA lawyers, who called it copyright infringement



The funnyman first took the circular NSA logo and emblazoned 'peeping while you're sleeping' across the bottom half.

He then put the phrase 'The only part of government that actually listens' directly under the parodied seal and started making T-shirts.

The spy agency soon caught wind of the shirts and brought an end to the fun.

Calling it a violation of their intellectual property rights, the NSA's cease and desist letter ordered him to immediately stop selling the shirts.

img code photo … It’s a classic parody


It’s a classic parody: Dan McCall, the graphic artist behind the shirt, says he is parodying the government – which is protected under the First Amendment



img code photo … Fighting back


Fighting bacl: Mr McCall is suing the spy agency for infringing on his right to freedom of speech



Mr McCall disagrees.

'Because when you're pointing straight at an organization or making fun at it, turning it on itself, that is classic parody,' he told told the station.

Saying that he doesn't want his children to grow up in a country where you can't poke fun at the government, Mr McCall told WCCO that his First Amendment rights are being violated.


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The satirist-turned-activist has teamed up with Public Citizen, a Washington, D.C.-based advocacy group, to sue the NSA for the right to sell his shirts.

‘It's bad enough that these agencies have us under constant surveillance; forbidding citizens from criticizing them is beyond the pale,’ lawyer Paul Alan Levy said in an online statement.

It's vital 'that we clarify whether or not these types of laws are consistent with the rights as Americans under the First Amendment,' he told the station.

A message left for comment with Public Citizen has not yet been returned.

Read more:

… Public Citizen
… Sauk Rapids Graphic Artist Challenges National Security Agency – CBS Minnesota

…..item 2a)…. JOE WALSH LYRICS …

… AZlyrics.com …. www.azlyrics.com/


"A Life Of Illusion"

Sometimes I can’t help the feeling that I’m
Living a life of illusion
And oh, why can’t we let it be
And see through the hole in this wall of confusion
I just can’t help the feeling I’m
Living a life of illusion

Pow! Right between the eyes
Oh, how nature loves her little surprises
Wow! It all seems so logical now
It’s just one of her better disguises
And it comes with no warning
Nature loves her little surprises
Continual crisis

Hey, don’t you know it’s a waste of your day
Caught up in endless solutions
That have no meaning, just another hunch
Based upon jumping conclusions
Caught up in endless solutions
Backed up against a wall of confusion
Living a life of illusion

…..item 2b)…. youtube video … Joe Walsh – Life Of Illusion … 3:34 minutes …



Uploaded on Apr 26, 2008

It’s hard to know what he really meant when he wrote Life of Illusion. I think that many of us, at times, have had an unrealistic view of our lives. We may live in an illusion or have an illusion of how our lives should be. And just when we think everything is going our way, "Pow, right between the eyes," life comes up with a surprise to wake us up.

And at times it seems like crisis after crisis. Joe Walsh was a solo artist and also a member of the Eagles band. He wrote and recorded this song in 1981 after the breakup of the Eagles.


Standard YouTube License


Spring 2013 at Rutgers University … The moment Frisbee-wielding Rutgers student was pepper sprayed by police (15 April 2013) …The College Fix – 'TINDER GOT ME LAID' (APRIL 24, 2013) …
how to put eye make up

Image by marsmet532
Students, including Baretti, stood around burning furniture and shouted ‘RU!’ it was reduced to cinders.

Later, Baretti can be seen throwing more fuel onto a burning couch.

‘told you i wasnt kidding….MACE2FACE…#YOLO,’ she bragged on Facebook after posting the photo of herself getting sprayed.

……..*****All images are copyrighted by their respectiv authors ……..

…..item 1)…. The moment Frisbee-wielding Rutgers student was pepper sprayed by police at massive violent alcohol-fueled party… and now SHE’S claiming police brutality …

… Mail Online – Daily Mail … www.dailymail.co.uk/news/

. Students burned couches, drank and smoked drugs openly and fought in the street, police say


PUBLISHED: 00:11 EST, 15 April 2013 | UPDATED: 00:31 EST, 15 April 2013


A Rutgers student is claiming police brutality after she was pepper sprayed in the face when officers in riot gear shut down an out of control block party near the campus of the New Jersey university.

Gina Barretti, a junior, says a New Brunswick police officer blasted her in the face because she wouldn’t put down a Frisbee. Photos show the officer spraying a crowd of students.

Police armed with riot shields, batons and fire-extinguisher-sized bottles of pepper spray marched down the block on Saturday afternoon after students began fighting, burning couches and jumping on the roofs of the houses on the block.

Scroll down for video

img code photo … Gina Barretti, in the neon green hat (a junior at Rutgers University)


‘Police brutality’: This is the moment Gina Barretti, in the neon green hat, was pepper-sprayed by a police officers as riot cops broke up a rowdy party near the campus of Rutgers University



img code photo … Cleaned up: Baretti (Gina Barretti, a junior at Rutgers University)


Cleaned up: Baretti, pictured here the day after the party, tells a TV news crew about how police marched into the block with riot shields and pepper spray canisters



img code photo … Proud: Baretti (Gina Barretti, a junior at Rutgers University)


Proud: Baretti, who works as a waitress as well as studying at Rutgers, bragged about getting sprayed by police when she posted the photo on Facebook


img code photo … Proud: Baretti (Gina Barretti, a junior at Rutgers University)


Proud: Baretti, who works as a waitress as well as studying at Rutgers, bragged about getting sprayed by police when she posted the photo on Facebook



Videos taken by students show hundreds of students drinking and smoking drugs openly and taunting police cars that rolled down the block.

Baretti told Fox 5 news that she was pepper-sprayed before she even realized what was happening.

‘A cop came out with the pepper spray and was like "put the Frisbee down" and I was like "woah woah woah" and like two seconds later he was like BAM,’ she said.

Video shows Baretti, dressed in cutoff shorts, a block tank top and a neon green hat, taunting officers the first time they drove through the party and attempted to break up revelers.


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Students, including Baretti, stood around burning furniture and shouted ‘RU!’ it was reduced to cinders.

Later, Baretti can be seen throwing more fuel onto a burning couch.

‘told you i wasnt kidding….MACE2FACE…#YOLO,’ she bragged on Facebook after posting the photo of herself getting sprayed.

Video: College chaos at Rutgers University block party

video 3:31 minutes … Wild street party at US college

Police had to break up the 2013 Delafest at Rutgers University.


Police said they had to break up 300 to 400 students from seven parties that merged into a giant block-long street of revelry.

They say students began throwing bottles and officers worried that the roofs that dozens had climbed on would collapse.

The incident comes as the Rutgers community is still reeling from the ouster of men's basketball coach Mike Rice, who was dismissed after videos showed him physically and verbally abusing his players.


img code photo … Out of control: Students


Out of control: Students continued to party as an officer sprayed mace at the crowd to convince revelers to disperse

mike609, Instagram


img code photo … Chaos: Officers described a scene of 300 to 400 party-goers


Chaos: Officers described a scene of 300 to 400 party-goers fighting, drinking, smoking drugs and burning couches in the street

You Tube


The matter also spurred the resignations of assistant basketball coach Jimmy Martelli, university athletics director Tim Pernetti and John Wolf, the university's vice president and general counsel.

‘It only turned into a riot when the cops came,’ Mike O'Reilly, a Rutgers senior, told the Newark Star-Ledger.

‘"I thought they were spraying water and then I realized it was pepper spray,’ said Taylor Palisi, a sophomore.

Officers said they are currently examining videos from the party to tracks down students to arrest on charges of drinking in public and disorderly conduct.

Read more:

… NJ.com: New Brunswick residents still angry at police response to block party
… Fox 5 News: Several arrests following rowdy NJ street party


… The College Fix … www.thecollegefix.com/ … Edited by Nathan Harden

Original. Student Reported. … Your Daily Dose of Right-Minded Campus News …

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… 'Tinder Got Me Laid' – College Hook-up Culture Goes Virtual, Viral
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College kids don't need bars or frat parties to find one-night stands anymore – that's so last century.

Tinder, the latest technology-driven flirting crutch, has transferred the collegiate hook-up scene to cyberspace, where today's 20-somethings – raised in a culture with "participation trophies" and "there's no wrong answers" – can find possibilities for meaningless sex without fear of rejection.

img code photo … tinder .. Alexa ..



"Tinder eliminates the hurt of getting turned down," the company's spokeswoman, Alexa Manteen, is oft-quoted as saying.

These Tinder-fueled one-night stands, which epitomize romance upon college campuses, have become incredibly popular. Launched in October at USC, the smart-phone application has since been "downloaded by millions of millennials" and "helped make more than 20 million matches," the Los Angeles Times reported in March.

I've heard it once, and I've heard it again: "Tinder got me laid."

Here's the way it works: Tinder is a smart-phone application, and users download it and form a Tinder account with pictures taken from their Facebook profile. Next they elect a radius of 10 to 100 miles from which potential "matches" can be pulled.

Then the game begins.

Pictures of other Tinder users located within the radius appear on the phone screen. The application displays the potential match's first name, age, and the number of shared Facebook interests in addition to photos. The Tinder player proceeds to tap a green heart button to "hot" the individual, or hits a red X to "not." A new match appears, and the cycle repeats. When two Tinder users "hot" each other, the application notifies each of them that they are a match, and allows them to message each other. If the "hotted" individual doesn't reciprocate the sentiment, the secret is safe with Tinder.

That Tinder is currently going viral on college campuses nationwide speaks to the appeal of such a trivial application. Tinder removes the risk of being painfully rejected, providing users only with ego-boosting affirmations of physical appearance. And because it's based upon nothing more than "hotting" a photo, Tinder doesn't suggest any form of commitment — catering to the commitment-phobia that runs rampant in college "hookup" cultures. It's unsurprising that such an application is striking such a chord.

Nearly 80 percent of Tinder users are between the ages of 18 and 25, one of the company's owners told The Los Angeles Times.

Already, a Huffington Post tech writer had dubbed the phrase "Tinderitis – or the sensation of having a sore thumb from swiping to approve or reject the faces of people offered up as potential date material."

"Tinder has lured people in by unabashedly offering a place to do all the things we love doing online, but won't admit to: act shallow, make snap-judgments based on looks, obsess over what people think of us and boost our egos. It's turned passing judgment into a pastime, and people are thrilled to take part," writes tech editor Biana Bosker on Huffington Post.

"People don't think of [Tinder] as online dating, they think of it as a game," Rachel Ellicott, a sophomore at Cornell University, told Bosker. "I think of it as a beauty contest plus messaging."

The irony, however, is that in the context of college campuses, Tinder's ability to remove the potential for rejection suffers diminished capacities. College students are frequently matched with campus acquaintances or other students from their own friend groups. When a friend or acquaintance pops up on your Tinder application, you can assume that you have likewise popped up on theirs. If you've hotted them and Tinder has not notified you of a match—well, you're out of luck.

There's also the dilemma involved when individuals in platonic relationships appear on each other's Tinder screen. Do they "hot" or "not" their friend? If you "not" the individual, but he or she "hotted" you, they're bound to realize that you've rejected them when the "It's a match!" notification fails to appear.

Tinder also has a tendency to produce uncomfortable moments even between strangers. Suppose two people reciprocate the "hot," but fail to consecrate their holy "matchimony" by messaging. What happens when they cross paths in the dining hall? Make eye contact in the library? Awkward!

The point is—Tinder isn't quite as alluring as it may first seem, a fact not lost on a fair amount of college kids.

"I'm pretty sure everyone who uses Tinder views it as creepy, and I have yet to figure out why so many girls use it," Washington University in St. Louis freshman Josh Dubin told his campus newspaper Student Life. "I think it's just something fun to do when I'm bored or in class. … There have been occasional matches that led to conversations which have lasted as long as a month, but I'm only still talking to them in the hopes that I get a nude pic."

Ohio State University sophomore Collin Stewart told The Lantern campus newspaper that some of his friends have promoted Tinder, but personally thinks the app is "a little bit creepy and weird."

Likewise, Ohio State freshman Jenna Robinson told the campus newspaper she's "scared to use Tinder."

"What if you're walking through the Oval or you're at a party and you see someone who is your Tinder match?" she said.

Nevertheless, considering the application's astronomical growth in less than a year, its propensity to stroke egos, and its support of the prolific college hook-up culture, the tech is probably – unfortunately – here to stay.

Fix contributor Amelia Evrigenis is a student at Claremont McKenna College.

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IMAGE: Tinder homepage screenshot

Tagged as: college dating trends, hook up culture, how popular is tinder?, tinder, Tinder match, tinder on college


Tags:2013, 2b.., Brother, classic, Humor, Illusion, item, Life|, Loses, November, Parody, Sense, Walsh

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