Great How To Eye Make Up photos-Standing with Israel Today -- How to help Israel at such a dark time (August 21, 2011 / 21 Av 5771) ...item 2.. Bulgaria blast: 'Suicide bomber' killed Israelis (19 July 2012) ...

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Standing with Israel Today — How to help Israel at such a dark time (August 21, 2011 / 21 Av 5771) …item 2.. Bulgaria blast: ‘Suicide bomber’ killed Israelis (19 July 2012) …
how to eye make up

Image by marsmet542
"I was on the bus and we had just sat down when after a few seconds we heard a really loud explosion," Gal Malka told Israel’s army radio.

"The whole bus went up in flames," she said, adding that the explosion took place near the front of the bus.

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Then on August 18, 2011, the terror escalated. Over a dozen terrorists, originally from Gaza, some wearing Egyptian army uniforms, walked past an Egyptian police checkpoint, entered Israel from Egypt and started murdering Israelis. (It seems their goal was to kidnap, echoing the 2006 kidnapping of 18-year-old Israeli Gilad Shalit, who is still in captivity.)

Seven Israelis died in the attack.

…..item 1)…. … Standing with Israel Today … How to help Israel at such a dark time.

August 21, 2011 / 21 Av 5771
by Yvette Alt Miller

We've been down this road before. For every exciting world event, there is always a uniquely "Jewish" impact.

The euphoria of the "Arab Spring" of 2011 is no exception. While the world watched and cheered as people rose up against dictators in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Syria and other countries, newly-emboldened activists started cutting Egypt's gas lines to Israel, cutting off energy supplies to the Jewish state.

Then on August 18, 2011, the terror escalated. Over a dozen terrorists, originally from Gaza, some wearing Egyptian army uniforms, walked past an Egyptian police checkpoint, entered Israel from Egypt and started murdering Israelis. (It seems their goal was to kidnap, echoing the 2006 kidnapping of 18-year-old Israeli Gilad Shalit, who is still in captivity.) Seven Israelis died in the attack.

Egypt and Gaza have exploded in anger at Israel. The proximate causes are the actions that Israel has taken to defend its citizens. (In the ensuing fight on the Egyptian border, three Egyptian police officers were killed, and in Israel's subsequent bombing of terrorist sites in Gaza, according to Hamas, 10 terrorists and two innocent bystanders died.)

But the outpouring of fury speaks to a deeper, long-seated hatred of the Jewish state. (Egypt is, after all, the country where the smash hit "I Hate Israel" by Egyptian crooner Shaaban Abdel Rahim has been a favorite song for the past decade.) In Egypt, people have flocked to the center of Cairo to burn Israeli flags and shout for "death to Israel." The Cabinet Committee that governs Egypt right now announced its intent to withdraw Egypt's ambassador from Israel. And Egyptian presidential candidates are vying to outdo each other in condemning the Jewish state.

Meanwhile, Hamas has unleashed a barrage of attacks on Israeli cities from Gaza. Over 80 rockets from Gaza landed in Israel in the day after the attack on the Egyptian border. An Israeli toddler, a 9-year-old boy and others were injured when their house in the town of Ofakim was hit. Boys studying at a yeshiva in Ashdod were wounded when their school was hit. And 38-year-old Yossi Shoshan was killed in Be'er Sheva as he raced home to check on his pregnant wife, while that major Israeli city was deluged with rockets.

—– How to Help

This is such a dark time for Israel and its supporters. How shall we stand with Israel now? What can we do?

Here are seven ideas to connect with Israel today, both practically and spiritually. Try to focus on one suggestion each day, for a week of connection with the Jewish state.

1. Perform a mitzvah

There is a strong mystical belief in Judaism that we can elevate our state of national protection by performing Jewish commandments. Resolve to take on one additional mitzvah today. You might want to experiment with keeping kosher, or light Shabbat candles.

2. Study some Torah

Jews traditionally undertake to learn a portion of Torah in order to strengthen our connection. Make a decision today to read one extra Jewish-themed work this week, in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Israel, and in memory of those who have died in terror attacks.

3. Stay informed

Many news outlets try to compete by reporting news in sensationalist ways, which can make it hard to figure out what is really going on. Keep informed by including some Israeli news sources in your reading. (,, Also, keep an eye out for unbalanced or distorted coverage through sites such as .

4. Find a connection to Israel within yourself

Israel is such a diverse, exciting place, there is a way for everyone to connect. If you are an art aficionado, check out Israeli museums on the internet. For sports, start cheering for an Israeli team. With social networking sites, making connections with people in Israel is as easy as a mouse click, and can lead to rewarding, long-lasting friendships as well as a feeling of kinship with the Jewish state.

5. E-mail your political representative

Get to know the name and e-mail address of the politicians who represent you in your local and national politics. Contact them to tell you how you feel. If Israel is important to them, let them know. You don't need to know all the ins and outs of pending legislation; just let your representative know that you care about the Jewish state.

6. Say a prayer

Jews have always turned to prayer in times of danger. You can recite prayers in your own words, or experiment with more formal prayers. (Many people recite Psalms in difficult times; Psalm 119 is one that many people recite specifically in times of risk.) Alternately, you can write your own prayer and have it placed in the Western Wall, the remnant of our ancient Temple in Jerusalem. It can be exciting to know that your own prayer is in such a sacred place.

7. Give of yourself

Donate your time to a Jewish cause. Contribute your efforts to help the Jewish community. Pledge tzedakah to a Jewish or Israeli charity to help make the world a better place. In Judaism, giving of ourselves to improve our community and our world is one of the most profound ways to connect. Particularly when we are worried about Israel, worried about our fellow Jews, this is a powerful way to introduce some light into the darkness of current events.
…..item 2)…. BBC News … … 19 July 2012 Last updated at 07:20 ET

Bulgaria blast: ‘Suicide bomber’ killed Israelis

The bombing of an Israeli tourist bus in eastern Bulgaria was probably carried out by a male suicide
bomber with fake US documents, officials say.

img code photo ……

Jon Donnison in Jerusalem says uninjured survivors of the attack have been returning to Israel


At least seven people died and 34 were injured when the bus exploded at Burgas airport, by the Black Sea.

Israel has sent planes to Burgas with doctors and officials to bring back the dead and injured.

Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak said Lebanese Hezbollah was the direct perpetrator, under Iran’s auspices.

Five tourists died along with the Bulgarian bus driver and the suspected bomber. Officials had said a sixth Israeli died overnight but this was later corrected.

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The BBC’s Jon Donnison, in Jerusalem, says the attack could be part of a covert but violent war between Israel and Iran, and there is a view among some analysts that this attack could be a response to a series of recent attacks on Iranian nuclear scientists.

"All the signs lead to Iran," Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a statement on Wednesday. "Israel will respond forcefully to Iranian terror."



Yolande Knell
BBCNews, Jerusalem

…Israeli newspapers show a dramatic photograph of the tourist bus in flames, injured people covered in blood and shocked Israeli holiday-makers. "Terror on vacation" is the headline of Israel Hayom, while Yedioth Ahronoth has "Target: Israelis". A column in the daily Maariv questions whether this is "Iranian Revenge".

…Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was quick to point the finger at Israel’s arch-enemy. He also claimed this was the latest in a series of Iranian attempts to harm Israelis and Jews overseas – in Thailand, India, Georgia, Kenya, Cyprus and other locations.

…Other Israeli officials have made specific links to Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed Shia militant group based in Lebanon.

…Iran’s state TV has rejected accusations of Tehran’s involvement. However, this bombing does look set to escalate a shadow war with Israel. The Iranians blame Israel for the killing of several scientists associated with its controversial nuclear programme.


Mr Barak said the attack resembled several recent attempted attacks on Israeli targets in India, Thailand, Azerbaijan, Kenya and Cyprus.

But he said that he did not think there had been any specific prior information that the attack was imminent.

—–’Distressed crowds’

The Israeli foreign ministry said the bus was carrying tourists from a charter flight that arrived from Israel.

The BBC’s Chris Morris, in Sofia, said a Bulgarian official has told the BBC that CCTV footage from the airport shows a Caucasian male hanging about for some time in the airport terminal building before the explosion took place. The man is seen leaving the terminal shortly before the blast happened just outside.

Investigators are working on the theory that this man is the bomber, the official said.

Israeli officials said passengers from a Tel Aviv-Burgas flight boarded the bus shortly after 17:00 local time (14:00 GMT) on Wednesday.

"I was on the bus and we had just sat down when after a few seconds we heard a really loud explosion," Gal Malka told Israel’s army radio.

"The whole bus went up in flames," she said, adding that the explosion took place near the front of the bus.

Bulgarian journalist Dobromir Dovkacharov, who arrived at the scene about 30 minutes after the blast, said: "I saw three buses completely burnt out – just the metal bars were left.

The Bulgarian government has released CCTV images of a man suspected of carrying out the attack
"There were crowds of people around, very distressed. One man said he saw decapitated heads. Others spoke of body parts flying through the air," Mr Dovkacharov said.

The suicide bomber is said to a man with a Michigan-issued US driver’s licence which reports said may have been fake.

Two of the wounded are in a serious condition and have been flown to the capital Sofia.

Israeli forensic teams who arrived during the night are helping to identify the bodies.

Wednesday’s blast came on the 18th anniversary of a deadly attack on a Jewish community centre in Argentina. Israel blamed Iran for that attack – a claim denied by Tehran.

US President Barack Obama described the bombing as a "barbaric terrorist attack".

Meanwhile, former Israeli national security adviser Uzi Arad confirmed on Thursday, for the first time, that Israel had assassinated Hezbollah chief Imad Mughniyeh in 2008.

Referring to the attack in Burgas, he told Israeli Army Radio: "Now is Iran’s revenge."

Bulgaria is a popular tourist destination for Israelis.

However, in January there were reports that Israel had asked Bulgaria to tighten security for Israeli tourists travelling by bus.

This followed a reported discovery of a suspicious package found on a bus with Israeli tourists travelling from Turkey to Bulgaria.

—–Are you in Bulgaria? Are you in Burgas? Did you witness what happened? Please share your comments and experiences.

Send your pictures and videos to or text them to 61124 (UK) or +44 7624 800 100 (International). If you have a large file you can upload here.

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Tags:2011, 2012, 5771, August, Blast, Bomber, Bulgaria, dark, Great, Help, Israel, Israelis, item, July, killed, photosStanding, such, Suicide, time, today

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