Great Best Eye Makeup For Brown Eyes image-13:52:03 - Face Off

A few nice best eye makeup for brown eyes images I found:

13:52:03 – Face Off
best eye makeup for brown eyes

Image by lism.
Because the last thing you need to see is what I look like this weekend – and because "personal style" is a pretty broad remit – here’s a quick peek at what’s inside my makeup bag (a present, which was itself full of little presents, from the Blonde on the occasion of my 30th birthday).

I’ve been a Benefit girl for about as long as I could (just about) afford it, particularly as far as their range of face powders is concerned: Dandelion is my favourite, although I’ve been cheating on it a bit recently with their new-ish Hervana which is a bit darker and has a cute mirror in the lid. Their Hello Flawless Oxygen Wow liquid foundation was a great addition to a range that sorely needed one up until relatively recently – it’s not particularly greasy, which was always my problem with liquid foundations, and has much better coverage than the Urban Decay mineral powder foundation I was using before. I don’t really get the need for a primer if you have a decent foundation (not at another £20 a pop anyway) despite what they tell you on the makeup counters, but until I work my way through last year’s Glamour magazine free samples I’ll continue to use them.

Urban Decay will, however, always win out over Benefit’s lotions and potions in terms of sheer fun. I’ve worn their eyeshadows for about ten years now and am yet to find a better range of colours with just the right amount of sparkle and shine for a corporate law bod in denial. If wearing ‘Grifter’, their lilac glitter shade, as a staple is wrong, I don’t want to be right. Finishing off my eyes these days with a cheap Rimmel kohl, until it runs out, and Benefit’s Bad Gal mascara in brown. I bought the latter because it was a bargain as I normally wear their black They’re Real mascara, but I rather like it.

I’m a bit less of a stickler for lipsticks and glosses, and tend to alternate between various pinks and reds depending on my mood (and colour of eyeshadow, because the bold lip and bold eye combo looks at best like stage makeup but more often like the results of a toddler who has had a go at the contents of mummy’s makeup bag). The one in the picture is my favourite though – Mac’s New York Apple, purchased to cheer myself up in a fit of depression purely because I liked the name.

Week 3 of 52.

best eye makeup for brown eyes

Image by clarksworth
Me: …and here’s how they looked when they arrived (taken by James, who was house-sitting for me). Watching the international tracking was a nervewrecking affair, but they got here on the last possible day.

I got them Friday afternoon, to prepare them for shooting Monday morning. A trip to B+Q on the saturday proved nightmarish as they had absolutely no decent spray paints in, and I don’t have an airbrush. I walked out without a brown spray paint, and with only 2 skin colours – cream and shocking pink. Enamel gloss ones, too, at that. I was shitting myself, to say the least.

The best I could do was to coat the mask in the cream and then "mist" the pink from high above. With a cheap spray can this was not easy and I fucked it up at least 10 times – getting it even was terribly difficult, never mind highlighting. The hair was painted on with standard house paint that hated the gloss finish from the other paints and took about 16 coats. I had no white paint for the eyes and applying the pink to the lips turned Mel into a horrific transvestite. Still, it looked ok by now it was late Sunday night and I’d simply run out of time. I drilled the eye holes (and even managed to slip up doing that, giving him crazy-eye), and went to bed. I woke up at 5am the next day to sand down Mel’s face to remove the gloss a bit, as well as print out hundreds of photoshopped $ bills, and to print and mount the Presidential crest to a foamboard sheet for the set.

I left Mel in the hands of the makeup girl to see if she could apply anything better (she did, he looked fine, if somewhat different to the latex masks the rest of the band were using).

Outfit 7/11/07
best eye makeup for brown eyes

Image by Juushika Redgrave
In the game Second Life, I play the avatar Juushika Redgrave.

Playing with skins again… This one is a demo from the Eat Me line by the creator of Hybrid. (Yes, it really is a demo–the "demo" markings are on the forehead and upper chest.) I wore it for a day to see if I wanted to buy it… as it turns out, I very much do, so I’ll be purchasing the skin within the next day or two. ^_^

The Eat Me line has recently been expanded. There are more makeup options (such as this one, which has brown eyeliner), freckle options (as seen here–they’re a beautiful sprinkling across the cheeks), and a variety of available facial markings. My favorite part of these skins is the mouth, which is full without being exaggerated and has a lovely, soft natural gloss. The shading is lovely throughout, and perhaps best of all is that the skins are a very reasonable 650L each. Go check them out at the new Glass Earth location. ^_^

As for the rest of the outfit… I bought this hair solely to cover the eyebrows of the Miw skin I was wearing before, but as it turns out–I love it, and am proving to have a difficult time taking it off. Once again, I’ve modified the bangs to make them a tiny bit shorter. The skirt is from Bossa Nova and is a freebie. I lived in England for a year (and miss it every day), so the "mind the lag" graphic amuses me and makes me more than a little nostalgic. =^.^= The jeans are a trusty staple from the Trouble series by Pixel Dolls, and the shoes are from Kimberly Casanova. Like most of her shoes, they can be tinted, so I’ve colored them black and white to match the outfit.

Shirt: Might the Lag (Long) from Bossa Nova (Freebie)
Pants: Trouble: jeans, Black by PixelDolls
Pant Liner (to prevent skin bleed): Tintable PantLeg Socks by NanoGunk
Shoes: Roffles Women’s by Kimberly Casanova Designs (tinted black and white)

Eyes: Intense Jade/Caramel Eyes by Sin Skins
Skin: F Light Basics Freckles (Eyeliner) Demo by Eat Me
Manicure: Glitter Manicure Black by Sin Skins
Hair: Emi – Red by Kin (modified)

Tattoo: Polarist Top Deux 2 by InkD (modified)
Bracelet R: Heavenly Cross Bracelet (Midnight) by Encore (Free Dove freebie)
Bracelet L: Leather Place Wristband (Black) by ETD
Piercing: Double Lip & Spike Labret by DEEKS (modified) (tinted)
Glasses: Emily by Persenickety
Collar: Amethyst Collar (Slim) by Amethyst
Whiskers: Plenty Black Whiskers by Gritty Kitty
Neko Parts: Anisa’s Neko Ears and Tail by Anisa @ OTCR (ears modded to include Industrial piercing by DEEKS)

Tags:best, Brown, eyes, Face, Great, image135203, makeup

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