Purple Eye Make Up-What is the best product (creme, etc.) to help you get rid of purple eye circles?

Question by KILLERKAM: What is the best product (creme, etc.) to help you get rid of purple eye circles?
I’ve had purple eye circles/slight bags as long as I can remember, and I need something to get rid of them that works. It’s not a problem with sleep; I usually get 8 hours of sleep most nights of the week.

So are there any products out there that you would recommend? Thanks in advance. :)

Best answer:

Answer by twigstaa021
I fink the best one would be garneirs eye roll on 1 of ma mates uses it and finks its really good and they would recommend it

you should check it out:http://www.garnier.co.uk/_en/_gb/our_products/products_skincare.aspx?tpcode=OUR_PRODUCTS^PRD_SKINCARE^CAFFEINE_SKIN^CAFFEINE_SKIN_DISCOVER&prdcode=P19108

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Tags:best, circles, creme, etc., Help, product, Purple, UpWhat

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