Question by Natashia: What eye makeup would make my small eyes look bigger?
Okay so my eyes are pretty small, and sometimes they make me look chinese. Right now I use dark purple eyeliner on the bottom of my eye, and little on the outer part of my eye, and no eyeshadow. I have long eyelashes and they kind of help, but I need to know different eye shadow colors, and techniques to make my eyes look bigger.
Oh yes, and my eyes are dark brown.
I have eyeshadow from sephora for brown eyes.
Would a shade of purple work?
Best answer:
Answer by Andree Fowl
you should put eyeshadow especially on the shades of brown or whatever is closest to your skin color so it would emphasize more.
3 different shades of brown would help.
the girl at the bottom of my answer is stupid.
hope this helps.
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Tags:bigger, eyes, look, makeup, small, UpWhat, would
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