Great Crazy Eye Make Up photos-7/365 - The Wax Statue

A few nice crazy eye make up images I found:

7/365 – The Wax Statue
crazy eye make up

Image by andres.thor
Alternative Title: No sleep makes *me* a dull boy… and a crazy-eyed one too.

[17.08.2009] – A week! YAY!

That’s the stare I get when I haven’t slept enough.
I had some more creative ideas for my seventh shot, let’s just say they failed.

PS. I swear I’m not a psychopath, despite looking like one here.

Edit: Re-uploaded – upped wrong crop earlier.

Stephanie making the “Sharon Face”
crazy eye make up

Image by Beautification Syndrome
My good friends Steph & Chris have a crazy old lady living next to them. She makes this crazy wide eyed face everytime she pops "over". We’ve taken it to the next level. I’d put others Steph has made up but she’d kill me…

crazy eye make up

Image by John Steven Fernandez
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Tags:Crazy, Great, photos7/365, Statue

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