Question by Ruby: What eye makeup would look nice with hazel eyes?
I’m just wondering what type of eye makeup would be nice with hazel eyes for a formal. My eyes are also quite slanty, I have red hair and I’m going to be wearing a royal blue dress.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
Best answer:
Answer by Musso
Hazel eyes best suit pale or rust brown, pale pink, lilac, deep purple, khaki and silver grey eye shadow. Since your dress is royal blue, I reckon a silver grey will compliment it nicely. Because you have red hair, I’m guessing you’re fairly pale, so if you’re going to use black mascara don’t over do it or else use dark brown. I think you should use liquid eyeliner in either dark brown or black (again don’t over do it) only on your upper lid.
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Tags:eyes, EyesWhat, Hazel, look, makeup, Nice, would
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