photoshop elements vs 3 maxed out beautification

Some cool how to apply eye makeup like a professional images:

photoshop elements vs 3 maxed out beautification
how to apply eye makeup like a professional

Image by LHG Creative Photography
Again just a bit of pshop practise , mostly out of boredom, and it is amazing what even an old creaky version of elements can do with an applied artistic hand, but it never fails to strike me when doing this how badly the technique has been overexploited to give women unrealistic expectations of themselves. Most models look like shit up close too. We all do.

This all about an unrealistic conformism to a type of beauty that simply doesn’t exist, and the original model by any standard is a pretty girl and doesn’t really need photoshopping.

What was done here is distortion alteration to the aspect ratio to create a slightly more compact look, the original was tilted 4 degrees left for the more intimate position, the colour work was extensive, the hue of the entire picture went through at least 4 manipulation to change greens to warmer tones , highlight blues upped, shadow reds upped and midtone greens reduced, an orange gradient on soft light was added and then reduced back to avoid hypersaturation, and every blemish, pore, follicle, chickenbump, zit, scar, and stray hair was cloned away. Nobody has a face that flawless, nobody.

The teeth were resaturated with white there are selective sharpens or blurs on just about every square inch, blood vessels where taken out of the eyes, hair was broadened. The cloth, the hair, the eyes and eyebrows, the lips, the gaps between the teeth were burned in. Bags and crows feet reduced by varyng densities of cloning, and a median noise reduction mask applied selectively to most areas in patches, then finished with edge gaussian blurs, and hand blur tooling to make the graduation of blur less noticeable. The liquidiser was used in expansion mode to make eyes a little wider, and in reduction mode for lip edges for a more pursed look.

20 minutes a cost of 10p in electricity.

Not 500 quid of dental work, not £2000 of collagen injections and eye lifts and skin peels, not botox, not a touch of makeup let alone the £70′s worth it would take to make someone look like this.

Seriously if you try to aspire to look like a picture in a magazine your a bloody mug. Even in makeup adverts the makeup is added digitally. This girl is barely into her 20′s at the most, and just look how much you can do to someone like her to make her fit a preconception of perfection.

Its about sell , sell, sell. You don’t need any of this shit. Maybe a little eyeliner, a touch of lippie, and a bit of foundation, beyond that, whats the bloody point?

Giving people a digital make-over is fun, if only to take a sharp poke at advertising practises in the fashion and cosmetics industry, but anyone who takes this stuff seriously as the feminine ideal is a pissing idiot. Those that do are just likely to become surgery freaks and will eliminate every last factor about them thats charming and real. Usually a total loss of character is in the offing.

Life brings scars, wrinkles, lines, spots, sags, stains and blemishes, its as individual as the skin of a reptile, the coat of a mammal, the scales of a fish, its the tattoos of our lifes experience. We try to hide our lifes experience as though it were a badge of dishonour or something, and for what? To please corporate bosses- the most vacuous of the pointless. Must look fresh and professional at all times eh? Hate to remind these people but i’m not a machine and in a more real world I’d rather take their damn head off than be judged by them at any level. I’m not about to allow them to exploit me because they hide behind the arm of the law and peer pressure. I can be physically policed but never a suboordinate in mind. We should tell them to get fucked more often, risk of job or not. The end is worth the means. If asked the question "Are you a corporate" , just answer "No. I am far beyond that, I aspire to keep my humanity intact."

It is never good to sublimate yourself for appearances sake. Its too intrusive and they should not be asking so much, it is not their right to do so, any more than its my right to smash their faces in for taking the fucking piss and trying to manipulate the identity of myself and my generation entire. If the gloves come off, I win, plain and simple. No-one fights harder than the one who fights for freedom.

Those who are not monsters have nothing to hide.Its just about saying, I am human, and this is who I am. Love me for who I am. In a way it can also truly be said, that only under those conditions will you find the right mate for you. Got to shoot your weight with honest intent.

Reality too is a test of partner selection, its the inverse of excessive preening, its the pragmatism of a real life. We should all be asking ourselves what is more attractive, to be dazzled by superficial beauty, or do we lock onto that partner who sees who we are for real and will love that, who finds beauty beyond the mere masque of a painted face. Will I avoid the superficial, will I avoid convention for I am not a sheep who runs with the group, will I quantify my relationship through the things that really matter?

Beauty and fashion are trends , a life is a much longer experience and you have to survive it creating, fostering and preserving a real love throughout that life to sustain yourself. Beauty without is transient, beauty within is not. Further to that we should be looking for the wise, the loyal, and the kind, people of integrity or permanence. Honour enough to build a life solid enough for lifetime happiness , an environment in which children need not fear family break-ups. Getting laid, being attracted, these are nothings , you cannot trade a life for the desires of youth, why be a prince or princess, why be the light of a star that must die young when you can be the permanent glow that lights the universe for everyone, when you can be king or queen.

Love does replace greed, because it is the ultimate thing that cannot be taken from you, yet you must still fight to protect it. Our greed, our lust for material wealth is love gone wrong, displaced. To be greedy is to have forgotten what love really is. The realm of the mind can be richer than the material world and I pity those who trade love for gain. Its a power of the universe forgotten.

Its a hard mission , but until we let the foibles of superficiality go our chances of acheiving that mission are virtually zero. Life is the teacher, if you won’t listen , what else to you hope to do except fall to the misery of a lonely heart, to be a pointless heartbreaker, to live as nothing more than a genital tool? Its never about the most spectacular guy or girl in the room, its about the one who will stand by you, who you feel honoured to know, priviledged to be with. You may have to quiet your desire to even hear them, to even see them.

Strong together. Thats a matter of the heart, of compassion, strength of character, loyalty and an unchanging depth of love, who have the wisdom never to let life make them ugly on the inside, and people who know these things are often not glamourous. Their beauty is the persistance of time itself. Theirs are the arms in which you can lay your head, protected loved, safe , and in that warmth is a love more glamourous than any surgery can provide. You would live by and die for one another.

For my younger friends , this is an absolute truth I have learned. I bring it to you in the hope that you will find happiness. Don’t watch for beauty, feel for it.

You will know in your heart, in the pit of your soul, this is the absolute truth.

Coo, all that and i’m not even vaguely religious. Actually thats why I hate religion, it packages, labels, and dominates, and adds dogma and enforced exclusivity to everything in life that you should be able to work out for yourself more accurately.

No read chapter and verse is as poignant as the human spirit in voice, speaking from genuine experience. The worst thing about religion is that sometimes it gets remarkably close to the truth, the heart of mankind, and then turns it into something unspecial , unreal, and all for the dominion and power, the very antithesis of its finer teachings. This is not about faith , its about heart and having the wit to see. To be alive.

Tags:beautification, Elements, maxed, Photoshop

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