Eye Make Up Stickers-Is my eye okay from using the disposable eye tanning stickers that didn't really stick?

Question by USAlover: Is my eye okay from using the disposable eye tanning stickers that didn’t really stick?
I went tanning for the first time and I used this disposable eye tanning stickers that kind of lifted up in the sides becuase it didn’t stick. I closed my eye the whole time. Do you think my eyes will be okay?
No, I’m probably not going tanning again. The reason I did it was becuase my doctor suggested that I do it for my ezcema and psorisis. But I’m just worried if anything happened to my eye, or its probably okay.

Best answer:

Answer by megan
enjoy the skin cancer youre gunna get later on in life ;)

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:didn't, disposable, from, okay, really, stick, stickers, StickersIs, tanning, Using

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