Question by emilycoleman88: What some good summer makeup tips/products for someone who sweat a lot?
I know. Gross, right? I need a foundation of some type – my skin coloring is uneven. But I SWEAT so much! Under my eyes and my upper lip. You know, that peach fuzz? And my face gets oily almost immediately after I wash it. I use a foundation primer and powdered foundation, but it kinda clumps up because my skin is so oily and sweaty. I’d also like eye makeup tips. Thanks!
And if you have any other tips about how not to look nasty despite sweating, I’d appreciate that advice, too. Thanks!
Sorry, I know this is gross.
Best answer:
Answer by Isabella
Try using a facial soap rite for you and moisturizer, and foundation
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Tags:Good, makeup, MakeupWhat, some, someone, summer, Sweat, tips/products
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