Question by avsgirl4ever: What kind of setting is it appropriate to wear smoky eye makeup?
So, is the smoky eye look like just for nights out and stuff like that, or can you wear it during the day when you’re dressed casually?
Best answer:
Answer by azn dolly
Hi as a makeup artist i love colours and for my clients i often do a toned down smokey eye which is perfect for day wear because you just need to have less shimer and sparkle and more subtle tones so you can do a salmon pink to grey coal smokey eye or a peachy bronze to off black toned smokey eye and i’m gonna link some videos and pictures at the bottom to demonstrate what i mean.. but basically you wanna cover your eyelid with a neutral colour like beige or salmon even bronze is fine then take a creme or white and highlight your brow bone now you’re gonna add a slightly darker colour into the crease of the eyelid and this will be the same family so if you used beige then now you’re gonna use something a little darker like mocha toned and then smoke it out using a grey/coal colour doesn’t have to be harsh like black use the grey and then if you make any mistakes or wanna tone it down all you do is apply face powder to your brush and sweep it over the area.. here’s the kinda thing you want to try out you can always subsitute colours for what works with your skin type and eyes
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Tags:appropriate, kind, makeup, MakeupWhat, Setting, smoky, wear|
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