Great Eye Make Up Tips For Brown Eyes image

A few nice eye make up tips for brown eyes images I found:

Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center: Aichi M6A1 Seiran
eye make up tips for brown eyes

Image by Chris Devers
Quoting Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum | Aichi M6A1 Seiran (Clear Sky Storm):

Aichi chief engineer, Toshio Ozaki, designed the M6A1 Seiran to fulfill the requirement for a bomber that could operate exclusively from a submarine. Japanese war planners devised the idea as a means for striking directly at the United States mainland and other important strategic targets, like the Panama Canal, that lay thousands of kilometers from Japan. To support Seiran operations, the Japanese developed a fleet of submarine aircraft carriers to bring the aircraft within striking distance. No Seiran ever saw combat, but the Seiran/submarine weapons system represents an ingenious blend of aviation and marine technology.

This M6A1 was the last airframe built (serial number 28) and the only surviving example of the Seiran in the world. Imperial Japanese Navy Lt. Kazuo Akatsuka ferried this Seiran from Fukuyama to Yokosuka where he surrendered it to an American occupation contingent.

Transferred from the United States Navy.

Aichi Aircraft Company (Aichi Kokuki KK)


Country of Origin:

Overall: 460 x 1160cm, 3310kg, 1230cm (15ft 1 1/8in. x 38ft 11/16in., 7297.2lb., 40ft 4 1/4in.)

Physical Description:
Wings rotated back, folded back to lie flat against the fuselage. 2/3 of each side of the horizontal stabilizer also folded down, likewise the tip of the vertical stabilizer.

“Only Once!” …item 3.. A Community Ministry Preaches To ‘Stop The Violence’ (August 11, 2013) …item 5c.. Multiple Arrests Made In FAMU Way Homicide (Sep 03, 2013) …
eye make up tips for brown eyes

Image by marsmet472
With signs, the Wings Dove Outreach Ministry in Tallahassee spread the word about non-violence. They want to instill self-esteem to the youth that may have lost hope.

……..*****All images are copyrighted by their respective authors ………

… message header for item 2. Florida Today … Economy and hunger tied together in Florida …

FISHKIND: Yes, I think the best statistics relate to the SNAP program – which is the supplemental nutrition assistance program that replaced food stamps. And the enrollment growths are really pretty startling. In the United States, enrollment in SNAP is up 71 percent from 2008 to 2013. In Florida, SNAP is up 150 percent — second highest in the whole country — only Nevada's had a bigger increase. More than 20 percent of all Floridians are receiving SNAP. In Orange County, SNAP enrollment is up 250 percent, compared to 2008 — almost 25 percent of all people in Central Florida are on SNAP.

… message header for item 1… The Best Of Isaac Hayes ( Full Album )

Isaac Hayes’ 1977-82 Polydor recordings showcased him in two different personas: a balladeer par excellence and as a Disco giant. This compilation includes such hits as "Don’t Let Go", "Moonlight Lovin’ (Menage a Trois)", "A Few More Kisses To Go", "Zeke The Freak", the rare "You Can’t hold Your Woman", "It’s All In the Game", "Out Of the ghetto" and his stunning cover version of James Taylor’s "Don’t Let Me Be Lonely Tonight".

The CD booklet contains a very interesting essay about Isaac Hayes’ Polydor sessions coupled with rare photos and discographical information which round out this package nicely. While the remastering quality could have been better this compilation nonetheless offers a decent overview of Isaac Hayes’ Polydor recordings. Enjoy!

Customer Review

The best from Isaac’s 1977-82 Polydor albums., March 13, 2012
By Justo Roteta
This review is from: Best of Isaac Hayes: the Polydor Years (Audio CD)

…..item 1)…. youtube video … The Best Of Isaac Hayes ( Full Album ) … 74:02 minutes …


Published on May 12, 2013

The Polydor Years

Track Listings

1. Moonlight Lovin ‘(Menage A Trois) …………………………………. time line 00:00
2. Zeke the Freak …………………………………………………………. time line 10:01
3. Out of the Ghetto ………………………………………………………. time line 14:22
4. Don’t Let Go ……………………………………………………………. time line 20:10
5. What Does It Take …………………………………………………….. time line 27:27

6. A Few More Kisses to Go …………………………………………………… time line 33:26
7. Don’t Let Me Be Lonely Tonight ……………………………………………. time line 39:35
8. You Can’t Hold Your Woman ……………………………………………….. time line 46:22
9. It’s All in the Game ……………………………………………………………. time line 52:29
10. Wherever You Are …………………………………………………………… time line 58:26

11. Lifetime Thing ……………………………………………………….. time line 64:08
12. It’s Heaven to Me …………………………………………………… time line 69:42


Standard YouTube License

…..item 2)…. Economy and hunger tied together in Florida …

… Florida Today …

Jun. 21, 2013

img code photo …Hunger and food insecurity…

Hunger and food insecurity are connected to the faltering economy. / Rik Jesse / FLORIDA TODAY


Fishkind QA…

90.7 FM's Nicole Creston asked economic analyst Hank Fishkind to explain some of the contributing factors that make hunger and food insecurity big problems.

FISHKIND: First, there's been an incomplete recovery from the "Great Recession," and so we're down on total job growth. The job growth that has occurred has been primarily in lower wage paying jobs. Here in Central Florida we haven't had much of a recovery yet in the construction or manufacturing industries. Most of the growth in jobs – which has been pretty good – has been in service sector jobs and in tourism jobs.

Secondly, the composition of our local economy is heavily dependent upon tourism and service jobs, so that adds to the financial pressures. And third, there's been major demographic change in the country, particularly in Central Florida, with a lot more retirees, and our retirees tend to have modest amounts of wealth.

Q:What's a good way to get our heads around this collectively? How can we take a look at the numbers? Are there statistics available?

FISHKIND: Yes, I think the best statistics relate to the SNAP program – which is the supplemental nutrition assistance program that replaced food stamps. And the enrollment growths are really pretty startling. In the United States, enrollment in SNAP is up 71 percent from 2008 to 2013. In Florida, SNAP is up 150 percent — second highest in the whole country — only Nevada's had a bigger increase. More than 20 percent of all Floridians are receiving SNAP. In Orange County, SNAP enrollment is up 250 percent, compared to 2008 — almost 25 percent of all people in Central Florida are on SNAP.

Q:Can anything be done to change that?

FISHKIND: The only good news in this is that the recovery in Central Florida is accelerating. And the monthly trend on SNAP enrollments in Central Florida is trending lower — it's just trending lower very slowly. And that's true also for Florida, and it's true for the nation.

Q:That seems like something we've been hearing for a while, 'we're going to see things getting better, slowly.' Is that continuing to be the case?

FISHKIND: The pace of growth is accelerating somewhat in Florida. It will accelerate, I believe, in the second half of 2013. I think 2014 will be a much better year, and I think these SNAP numbers will go down naturally, as the economy improves. But there's still an awful lot of people who will remain on SNAP.

Hank Fishkind is a principal at Fishkind & Associates, in Orlando, Naples and Port St. Lucie.

…..item 3)…. A Community Ministry Preaches To ‘Stop The Violence’ …

… WCTV News … … Coverage You Can Count On ! …

By: Elizabeth Nickerson
Posted: Sun 1:06 PM, Aug 11, 2013

By: Elizabeth Nickerson

August 11, 2013…

Tallahassee, FL–Violence is not the way, a local ministry is preaching those words by marching around the Frenchtown community to get violence off the streets.

"I just love doing things like this because it just makes you feel this empowerment within that you can help someone," Diana Gaskin, a Community Volunteer.

With signs, the Wings Dove Outreach Ministry in Tallahassee spread the word about non-violence. They want to instill self-esteem to the youth that may have lost hope.

img code photo … Voting Rights March … Remember 102 y.o. … Desline Victor ! …

Victim of Voter Suppression !


"They don’t have to go that route, they don’t have to do drugs, they don’t have to sell themselves, they don’t have to prostitute, their is a way out," said Minnie Ford, Wings Dove Outreach Ministry.

The group is also giving clothing and school supplies to the youth in the area. Sponsors like Sam’s club and Tallahassee Urban League joined the fight against violence.

"It’s going to take all of us to stop the violence and it’s not really hard to do just take time to think about how do we feel if the shoe was on the other foot, you know we would stop mistreating each other," said Robert Adams, a Community Volunteer.

The ministry meets every Sunday on Brevard Street in Tallahassee to feed the community and give out clothing to those in need

…..item 4)…. Dream Defenders end sit-in, vacate Capitol …

… FSU News …

img code photo … Dream Defenders … Can We Dream Together…

FSU student Andrew Arachikavitz and fellow Dream Defenders activists chant in the halls of the Capitol during their month-long sit-in. Tonight, the Dream Defender's activists will be sleeping in their own beds, as their executive director Philip Agnew declared today that the group will officially end their constant occupation of Florida's Capitol. / Blair Stokes/FSView


Written by
Blair Stokes
News Editor @blairstokes

Filed Under
FSU News

Activists conclude 31-day demonstration
Aug. 15, 2013 |…

After spending their nights sleeping on the cold marble floors of Florida's Capitol, the young activists who comprise the Dream Defenders are heading home to sleep in their own beds tonight.

As of this afternoon, the Dream Defenders have formally ended their occupation of the Capitol.

"After 31 days and 30 nights, we are leaving the Capitol for our next phase," said Phillip Agnew, executive director of the Dream Defenders statewide organization.

President of Florida State University's Dream Defenders chapter echoed Agnew's sentiments, confirming that their efforts to enact social change will continue.

"Dream Defenders decided to end the sit in, because we have gotten all we needed from this current occupation," Marshall said. "We realized we can organize a better, viable campaign outside of the Capitol."

Both Marshall and Agnew assured press today that the conclusion of their demonstration does not mean their efforts to combat Florida's Stand Your Ground law have ceased.

After unsuccessfully requesting a special legislative session, the Dream Defenders will now approach Florida Department of Law Enforcement, the Department of Juvenile Justice and the Department of Education to discuss issues of racial profiling and disciplinary action in Florida's schools.

"Dream defenders might not still be physically at the capitol, but our spirit hasn’t left," Marshall said. "When we return to our different communities, organizing against the Stand Your Ground law will still be a leading point. Dream Defenders has not forgotten about a single person killed, and we are committed to the struggle."

The demonstration began on July 16, just three days after George Zimmerman was acquitted of murdering 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. This case has called the Dream Defenders to work against current self-defense laws and propose new legislation, called Trayvon's Law, to fight institutionalized racism. Activists present included FSU's Dream Defenders chapter along with other local students, community members, Floridians statewide and members of national civil rights groups.

At today's press conference, Agnew announced to supporters and reporters that the Defenders ended their sit-in after the group was unable to pressure key legislators, including Gov. Rick Scott, into calling a special legislative session to repeal the Stand Your Ground law. But the Dream Defenders have been gaining some traction in the legislature: Thus far, the Dream Defenders have secured a hearing on the Stand Your Ground law, courtesy of Florida House Speaker Will Weatherford.

After today's press conference, the Dream Defenders delivered an eviction notice to the governor's mansion, expressing their displeasure with the governor after he refused to reexamine Florida's self-defense laws.

This move follows the initiation of a large-scale voter registration drive targeting 61,500 Floridians. This number is pointed, as it corresponds to Scott's margin of victory during the 2010 gubernatorial race.

The group continues to plan further demonstrations and schedule meetings with state officials to change Florida's current self-defense laws, Marshall said.

"As FSU Dream Defenders president, I can assure you that the Tallahassee community will keep up the fight against the Stand Your Ground law."

…..item 5a)…. FAMU Students Shaken By Murder Close To Campus …

… WCTV News … … Coverage You Can Count On ! …

By: Garin Flowers; Matt Galka Email
Updated: Tue 10:01 PM, Aug 20, 2013

FAMU Students Speak On Murder Investigation Near Campus 8-20-13 6pm
Murder Investigation Near FAMU Campus 8-20-13 5pm…

By Matt Galka
August 20, 2013

Tallahassee, FL — FAMU way, the route many students and employees take to get to and from Florida A&M’s campus, `was an active scene shortly before 1 a.m. on Tuesday morning.

"Tallahassee police department received a phone call from a passerby about a male lying in the street," said Tallahassee Police Department public information officer David Northway.

Northway said the man’s injuries indicated murder and that they were ruling it a homicide.

The body was discovered less than a block away from FAMU’s campus. It was a shocking discovery for students gearing up for classes next week.

"That’s extremely discouraging, because I know a lot of Freshman aren’t going to want to come in, you know? They’ve been really excited about having our band back, having our school get all of our accreditation and things, with a murder or body turning up it’s not going to be a good look on our school," said senior Bradley Johnson.

Details of the man’s identity and cause of death were not released as of Tuesday evening. The crime has cast a shadow on the start of the school year.

"I hope my university is okay. I just want to graduate, I’m so close now, I just want to make it out," said Johnson.

By Garin Flowers
August 20, 2013

Tallahassee Police believe a man found dead in the middle of a street was murdered.

According to TPD, passers-by noticed the man lying on FAMU Way between Wahnish and Adams Street

Police said they got the call around 12:45 a.m. Tuesday.

Once on scene, they found the man’s body and searched the area for evidence – shutting down the entire road.

Right now police are treating this as a homicide investigation, but have not released several details, such as the name of the victim or cause of death.

"As soon as the investigators come to a point in the investigation where they will be able to release that information, we will get it out to the public as soon as possible," said David Northway, public information officer with TPD.

According to police, investigators are trying to piece together exactly what happened. At this time they said there’s no indication that nearby residents should be concerned.

Comments are posted from viewers like you and do not always reflect the views of this station.

— Jayne_Doe • a day ago −
Very sad…the crime in Leon county is just ridiciulous these days. Prayers go out to his family though,no matter who he was or what he did.

…..item 5b)…. Identity Of FAMU Way Homicide Victim Released …

… WCTV News … … Coverage You Can Count On ! …

By: Garin Flowers; Matt Galka Email
Updated: Wed 6:25 PM, Aug 21, 2013

FAMU Students Speak On Murder Investigation Near Campus 8-20-13 6pm
Murder Investigation Near FAMU Campus 8-20-13 5pm…

Press Release: Tallahassee Police Department

At approximately 12:45am on August 20th a passerby call TPD to report a male lying in the roadway in the 400 block of FAMU Way. TPD Patrol Officers along with Fire and EMS responded to the area and discovered the deceased who was the victim of an apparent homicide.

TPD's Criminal Investigation Division, along with Forensic Technicians responded to the scene and assumed the primary role in the investigation.

TPD's Criminal Investigation Division is pursuing all leads and asks community members with information about this case to call TPD at 891-4200 or the Big Bend Crime Stoppers at 574-TIPS. Crime Stoppers does not want your name, just your information and you may be eligible for a cash reward.

Update August 21st, 2013

Investigators with TPD's Criminal Investigation Division have released the name of the victim in this case. They have received several tips and are currently investigating all leads and are interviewing all witnesses. Anyone with information regarding this homicide is asked to call TPD at (850) 891-4200 or Crime Stoppers at (850) 574-TIPS.

Victim: Jessee Rollins, Black Male DOB: 11-15-85

…..item 5c)…. Multiple Arrests Made In FAMU Way Homicide [READ PROBABLE CAUSE] …

… WCTV News … … Coverage You Can Count On !

VICTIM Jessee Rollins

video: 25 seconds


By: Garin Flowers; Matt Galka Email
Updated: Tue 11:45 AM, Sep 03, 2013

… Victim Identified In Homicide Near FAMU Campus 8-2-13 6pm
… FAMU Students Speak On Murder Investigation Near Campus 8-20-13 6pm
… Murder Investigation Near FAMU Campus 8-20-13 5pm…

— According to the Tallahassee Police Department

Police have released new information in the recent homicide of Jessee Rollins, found shot to death on August 20th in the 400 block of FAMU Way.

Video surveillance collected in the area shows that Rollins arrived at the scene of the crime at 12:46 a.m., and made contact with three individuals, and according to witness accounts, Rollins was robbed and kidnapped on Melvin Street. Witnesses also describe hearing three to four gunshots.

During an interview, Hutchinson said that his friend, Deron Williams, knocked on his door earlier that night and told him that Rollins was kidnapped and carjacked by two unknown black men, one who was armed with a gun. He told police at that point, he drove Williams to Rollin’s sister’s house to tell her about the incident before contacting police.

Upon consenting to a data search of his cell phone, police found several deleted texts and calls during a time period he said he was asleep that also coincided with the robbery, kidnapping and murder of Jessee Rollins.

Police traced phone calls between Hutchinson and Williams, as well as Brandon Ward, and Steven Brown, and were able to place Brown and Ward around Melvin Street prior to the kidnapping/robbery, subsequently moving to where Rollin’s car was found.

On August 30, 2013 Hutchinson came to the Tallahassee Police Department with legal counsel, and told them he agreed to assist the other suspects in the robbery of Jessee Rollins, and then went on to explain the events.

24-year-old Dajuan Barnes, 29-year-old Steven Brown and 26-year-old Deron Williams were arrested over the weekend and charged with the murder of 27-year-old Jessee Rollins.

25-year-old Octavius Hutchinson was also charged with armed robbery.

— Press Release: Tallahassee Police Department

At approximately 12:45am on August 20th a passerby call TPD to report a male lying in the roadway in the 400 block of FAMU Way. TPD Patrol Officers along with Fire and EMS responded to the area and discovered the deceased who was the victim of an apparent homicide.

TPD's Criminal Investigation Division, along with Forensic Technicians responded to the scene and assumed the primary role in the investigation.

TPD's Criminal Investigation Division is pursuing all leads and asks community members with information about this case to call TPD at 891-4200 or the Big Bend Crime Stoppers at 574-TIPS. Crime Stoppers does not want your name, just your information and you may be eligible for a cash reward.

— Update August 21st, 2013

Investigators with TPD's Criminal Investigation Division have released the name of the victim in this case. They have received several tips and are currently investigating all leads and are interviewing all witnesses. Anyone with information regarding this homicide is asked to call TPD at (850) 891-4200 or Crime Stoppers at (850) 574-TIPS.

Victim: Jessee Rollins, Black Male DOB: 11-15-85

By Matt Galka
August 20, 2013

Tallahassee, FL — FAMU way, the route many students and employees take to get to and from Florida A&M’s campus, `was an active scene shortly before 1 a.m. on Tuesday morning.

"Tallahassee police department received a phone call from a passerby about a male lying in the street," said Tallahassee Police Department public information officer David Northway.

Northway said the man’s injuries indicated murder and that they were ruling it a homicide.

The body was discovered less than a block away from FAMU’s campus. It was a shocking discovery for students gearing up for classes next week.

"That’s extremely discouraging, because I know a lot of Freshman aren’t going to want to come in, you know? They’ve been really excited about having our band back, having our school get all of our accreditation and things, with a murder or body turning up it’s not going to be a good look on our school," said senior Bradley Johnson.

Details of the man’s identity and cause of death were not released as of Tuesday evening. The crime has cast a shadow on the start of the school year.

"I hope my university is okay. I just want to graduate, I’m so close now, I just want to make it out," said Johnson.

By Garin Flowers
August 20, 2013

Tallahassee Police believe a man found dead in the middle of a street was murdered.

According to TPD, passers-by noticed the man lying on FAMU Way between Wahnish and Adams Street

Police said they got the call around 12:45 a.m. Tuesday.

Once on scene, they found the man’s body and searched the area for evidence – shutting down the entire road.

Right now police are treating this as a homicide investigation, but have not released several details, such as the name of the victim or cause of death.

"As soon as the investigators come to a point in the investigation where they will be able to release that information, we will get it out to the public as soon as possible," said David Northway, public information officer with TPD.

According to police, investigators are trying to piece together exactly what happened. At this time they said there’s no indication that nearby residents should be concerned.

Related Documents
Barnes Brown Williams Hutchinson PC



.. Arrest Datetime 08/30/13 20:00
.. 535 Appleyard Dr
.. Agency Report# 13-21146
.. SPN#155504
.. Defendant’s Full Name (Last, First, Mid. Suffix) … Brown, Steven D
.. D.O.B. 08/27/1984
.. Race B
.. Sex M
.. Height 511
.. Weight 125
.. Alisases Brown, Steven Demario
.. DL Number B-650-784-84-307-0
.. DL State FL
.. Place of Birth FL
.. Local Address … 1303 Ocala Rd Apt 160
.. Scars, Tattoos, Unique Physical Features … TATTOO R/LEG "LITTLE STEVE"
.. Hair BLK
.. Eye BRO

#1 … FDLE Statute … Ref# … L/D … Charge Literal





Comments are posted from viewers like you and do not always reflect the views of this station.

– Bamanoles1 • 33 minutes ago −
I’m glad that these guys are off the streets and that witnesses were forthcoming with the police.

– Harry • an hour ago −
So refreshing to see something other than white on black crime.

– The Idiot • an hour ago −
More trayvonites, someone trademark their names real fast.

– uest • 12 days ago −
we are born, we grow. we choose our path in life. we die. we should stop hating and start helping. or is it too late? people kill for pleasure, like them 3 awful souls who killed that baseball player. people hate. people kill. I love life and wish for a better place for our children to grow in…….

– guest • 12 days ago −
Famu has had it name caught up in some unfortunate situations which do not represent what Famu stands for. This is a wanted perceived notion so FAM can get sold and become part to FSU. Its part a fear for financial gain for some.

– GeniusOne guest • 11 days ago −
It would be far far past INSANE for FSU to want FAMU. This is a delusion unsupported by anything even remotely rational.

– Tanks_Alott Free_Cuba_1985 • 12 days ago −
I liked it better as Canal Street.

– GainesStreetTrash JeffDeVore • 11 days ago −
you think these thugs are looking out for gun laws? ???

– PWandLD • 13 days ago −
He should have used Stand Your Ground and he’d still be chilling with his homeys. Oh Jesse?

– eniusOne • 13 days ago −
"Black Male"

Wow. Bet no one could have guessed THAT.

– galensdad beemee beemee • 11 days ago −
Ignorance is NOT the situation here. Actually, the exact opposite is true. ANY cognizant person is well aware of the outrageous crime rate in the black community. You address that well.

– enough already • 13 days ago −
i know someone will correct me if im wrong…but i dont remember reading of any deaths while the nightmares were in the capitol..they quit their sit in and within a few days, murder, death, drug busts, etc…


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