A few nice how to eye make up images I found:
Modern Mechanix – Wife Swapping (Jan, 1959) …item 2..Sin in the suburbs (1964 Joseph W. Sarno) – “Number 305″ …
Image by marsmet551
But what of our American society, with its ideal of monogamy and fidelity in marriage? How common is the exchanging and loaning of wives among us? And why?
For one thing, it is more common than most people seem to think. Nor is it limited to men who seek a change of bedfellows. There are women, too, who desire such "swaps" and who take the initiative in arranging them.
……..*****All images are copyrighted by their respective authors …….
…..item 1)…. Blog Modern Mechanix … blog.modernmechanix.com …
Yesterday’s Tomorrow Today …
WIFE SWAPPING (Jan, 1959) …
Is it possible to combine desire for variety in sexual relations with the maintenance of a stable, happy marriage?
by Edward Dengrove, M.D.
FROM time to time one reads in the newspapers reports of cases such as that of the Percy Radfords and the George Hauses, of St. Louis, Missouri. These two couples, after a friendship of four months, decided they'd be happier married to each other's partners. At the time the swap was made, one couple had been wed for some seventeen years, and the other for almost five.
Accomplished as it was, through divorce and remarriage, this trade of spouses had legal sanction, as well as the attention of the press. But there is a lot more such swapping than the newspapers ever discover, because most of it exists on a sporadic basis and does not end in divorce and the remarriage of the alternate couples.
Just recently, for example, I learned of two young men, instructors at a large university, who lived quite circumspectly, each with his own wife, during the academic year. The two couples spent summers together in a cottage they rented jointly, where they split up, each man spending the vacation with the wife of the other.
When this unconventional arrangement was brought to the attention of the university officials they responded with about the degree of enthusiasm you'd expect, and both men were hastily fired.
Had the two young couples been members of the Banyankole tribe of Central Africa their exchange of mates would have inspired neither comment nor disapproval. Among this people, as among the natives of the Hawaiian Islands, it was the custom, when a man and his wife visited a friend, for the couples to exchange wives for the duration of the visit.
William J. Fielding, in Strange Customs of Courtship and Marriage, tells us also that, when the Himalayan mountaineers became disgusted with their mates, they would exchange wives, in the hope that this would improve their domestic lives.
But what of our American society, with its ideal of monogamy and fidelity in marriage? How common is the exchanging and loaning of wives among us? And why?
For one thing, it is more common than most people seem to think. Nor is it limited to men who seek a change of bedfellows. There are women, too, who desire such "swaps" and who take the initiative in arranging them.
The temporary exchange of mates is sometimes merely a device to provide variety in the sexual life. We have been somewhat acceptant of the idea that desire for change is a natural desire among menâ€"perhaps no one was too surprised when Dr. Kinsey revealed that three-quarters of the men interviewed for The Sexual Behavior Of The Human Male said they sometimes wished to have relations with women other than their wives. And the Kinsey report disclosed that at least one-half of all married men realize that wish.
As the Kinsey report on women showed, that wish is not solely a male one. One of every four women interviewed had at least one extramarital affair by the time she reached her fortieth birthday. And all the evidence would indicate that there are many more who sometimes hanker for a husband other than their own.
Often, the desire for another person's mate, and the willingness to trade one's own, arises from far more complicated motives than the simple longing to add some "spice" to a marital routine grown dull.
There are many men and women who are unsure of their own worth as human beings, and who need constant reassurance and approval from others. Such people frequently lend themselves to this kind of arrangement.
Just the other day, a woman was complaining to me that at gatherings of the social group to which she belonged, men would invariably make sexual "passes" at every attractive woman.
"What I can't understand is the attitude of their wives," she said.
"They are actually angry if any woman rejects their husbands' advances !"
These are the wives who doubt their own attractiveness as women, and their husbands' worth as men. If other women find her mate attractive, such a wife feels reassured that she has made a wise marriage choice, and she also feels that she must be pretty "special," too, to have first claim on so desirable a man. On the other hand, if no other woman wants her husband then her ego is deflatedâ€" she sees herself as a rather worthless creature, capable of marrying only the kind of man other women spurn.
Sometimes, the reasons for this type of attitude on the part of the marriage partner reach hack into childhood experiences. Mary A., an attractive young wife, complained that her husband never objected when other men made advances to her, and even encouraged her to invite them.
Her husband, Bill, was the younger of two sons. His brother had been the family pet, and Bill had always been extremely jealous of the favoritism shown the older boy. Although he could not help admiring his brother, he had early vowed, "Some day, I'll show him up!"
Although Bill did not realize it, that little-boy rivalry played a part in his choice of Mary as a wife. She was an exceptionally pretty girl, and when other men gave signs of their interest in her, Bill felt that in one respect he had managed to outshine his brother. He had a far more desirable wife, and for the first time could make other men â€" and, he fondly imagined, his brotherâ€"envy him!
Not too long ago, I was consulted by a couple trying desperately to save their floundering marriage. The husband was particularly disturbed by his wife's erratic sexual behavior.
"She lives at extremes," he said. "Either she wants sex all the time, or else she refuses to have relations with me entirely."
In consultation with his wife, I learned that she felt herself physically attracted to one of her husband's friends. She had even suggested to her husband that he and his friend arrange a temporary "trade"â€"giving her to the other man and the friend's wife to her husband. Flabbergasted, he refused to discuss the idea. But she did date other men without his knowledge, and they were always married men.
"It makes me feel young again," she said. It also increased her desire for her husband. After such an affair she regained her interest in the marital union. Without these temporary liaisons, she was quite frigid.
Her father had died when she was young, and her mother had remarried. She had always felt a great attraction towards her stepfather, and when she was nine years old he had seduced her, an experience she found exciting. Her promiscuity was an attempt to recreate her image of herself as the young, desirable girlâ€"and the men were always married, as her stepfather had been.
There may be some hidden homosexual desires latent in such situations, too. I am thinking, for example, of the man who insisted that his wife have sexual relations with his "best friend."
Among the Polynesians this would have been accepted social behavior, but he was not a product of Polynesian culture. Actually, this husband had latent homosexual desires, and though he was not fully aware of it, he was having vicarious sexual relations with his friend every time he sent his wife to sleep with him.
And latent homosexual desires may also account for the willingness with which some women permit their husbands to indulge in similar affairs. Sometimes, a wife will agree to a swap of mates more to gain the vicarious thrill which comes with knowing her husband is having relations with a woman she is attracted to, than for any desire she feels for the other man.
The editor of Sexology recently received a letter from a reader who explained that his wife insisted that he have relations with a young woman who boarded at their home. This despite the fact that they had been married for eight years, and seemed to be well adjusted sexually.
"I noticed one thing," he wrote. "Ever since my wife started to loan me to this woman, she became more aggressive in our sex relations and more demanding."
And, he added, "we personally know of two young couples. These young couples swap wives once a week, from which they claim they derive sex stimulation and greater sexual satisfaction in marital relations later with their wives."
"Where," this reader wanted to know, "will such a practice of Swapping lead?"
In his own case, such a practice can lead only to a more and more distorted sexual relationship, which might very well result in his wife's becoming completely frigid.
The sooner he finds competent help for her and persuades his wife to accept it, the better. Unless she can be made to understand the reasons for her behavior and can be helped to overcome it, her sexual life and her marriage will only grow increasingly disturbed.
Dr. Kinsey noted that among the "not inconsiderable group of cases" studied in which the husbands had encouraged their wives to engage in extra-marital activities, there were a number of deviations involved. These included homosexuality, desire to "peep," and sadistic satisfaction obtained from forcing a wife into such a relationship.
But he emphasized that most often wife swapping represented a deliberate effort to extend the wife's opportunity to find satisfaction in sexual relations or a desire of the husband to find an excuse for his own extra-marital activity.
Dr. Kinsey also pointed out that his investigators had seen instances where husbands and wives appeared to accept their partners' extra-marital activity frankly and whole-heartedly at the beginning. Years later, however, the old extra-marital relationship cropped up to become a source of considerable conflict. This often resulted from the development of some insecurity on the part of the other spouse. or changed circumstances in the couple's life.
The Kinsey investigators drew this conclusion from their data?: that reconciling the individual's desire for coitus with a variety of sexual partners and the maintenance of a stable marriage, presents a problem which has not beer) satisfactorily resolved in our culture.
"Can marital stability be maintained in the face of extra-marital relations on the part of the husband or wife?" asks Dr. Abraham Stone, one of America's most noted marriage consultants.
"It has been our experience in marriage counseling," he Replies, "that extra-marital relations are disruptive of marital harmony. A relation which may begin as a contact on a purely physical level, may soon develop into a strong emo-tional attachment. Not many marriages can long withstand the strain of divided loyalties and attention. Of all the angles in a marriage, the triangle creates the most acute problems."
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… Drive-in Market 1959? (May, 1956)
… How I Got My Wife to Use a Seat Belt (Jun, 1960)
img code photo … Wife Swapping … page 354
img code photo … Wife Swapping … January 1959 … page 355
img code photo … Wife Swapping … page 356 … SEXOLOGY
img code photo … Wife Swapping … January 1959 … page 357
img code photo … Wife Swapping … page 358 … SEXOLOGY
…..item 2)…. youtube video … Sin in the suburbs (1964 Joseph W. Sarno) … 5:28 minutes …
Uploaded on Mar 5, 2010
Joe Sarno’s crazy story of bored housewives who are lured into a sexual cult at the local Holiday Inn. This was 30 years before Eyes Wide Shut. Also seems that Daniel Clowes has seen this a few times as well.
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Image by marsmet53
Mystery novel set in north Florida. Ted Steven's new client is a mental patient who is either a delusional, psychotic killer or an innocent man framed for the murder of his psychologist, or maybe both. Ted needs to uncover the truth, and quickly. His life, and that of his family, will depend on it.
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…..item 1a)…. Delusional (Ted Stevens #3) … by Terry Lewis
… goodread … www.goodreads.com/book/ …
— Community Reviews
Mary Ann rated it 4 of 5 stars … Oct 11, 2013 …
Knowing the author, trial judge Terry Lewis, and the area in which his novel is based, Tallahassee and surrounding North Florida communities, I thoroughly enjoyed "Delusional" at a personal level. It was fun to see the area described in new ways — as settings for mayhem! And surely I must have recognized at least some of the lawyers upon whom the characters had to be loosely based.
Beyond that feels-like-home pleasure, however, Judge Lewis has crafted a wonderful yarn that feels awfully real regarding the mind of the sociopath and how it operates in sometimes unexpected ways. not all of them menacing. The book is captivating and entertaining in the way of the best books of the legal-mystery a la murder genre. That is, it keeps you up late and draws you back to it the minute you get a little free time.
…..item 1b)…. Delusional …by Terry Lewis
… BARNES & NOBLE … www.barnesandnoble.com/w/ …
… BN.com …
— Editorial Reviews
… From the Publisher
Praise for Delusional:
"In Delusional, Terry Lewis uses his real life experience as a judge to turn a legal thriller on its head. Exciting and intricate."—James O. Born, Best selling author of Burn Zone
Praise for Conflict of Interest:
"Gripping, taut courtroom procedural. This well-crafted drama rings with authenticity all the way to its heart-stopping conclusion."—Publishers Weekly
"A good, quick read for courtroom drama fans."—Booklist
"Lewis catches the way lawyers actually talk and act."—Kirkus Reviews
— Product Details
ISBN-13: 9781561646043
Publisher: Pineapple Press, Inc.
Publication date: 9/1/2013
Pages: 320
Sales rank: 801,941
Product dimensions: 6.00 (w) x 8.90 (h) x 0.90 (d)
— Meet the Author
Terry Lewis is a Florida circuit judge. He devotes much of his spare time (when not writing and judging) to law-related education, both for active judges through the Florida Judicial College and for young people through programs like Teen Court and Mock Trial Competition. He is well-known throughout the state in judicial circles.
…..item 2a)…. Sunday: Once Upon a Time in the West … 5:36 minutes …
Uploaded on Jan 31, 2010
Once Upon a Time in the West directed by Sergio Leone in 1968.
Starring Claudia Cardinale, Charles Bronson, Henry Fonda, Jason Robards, and Gabriele Ferzetti.
Music by Ennio Morricone.
Written by Dario Argento and Bernardo Bertolucci.
Cinematography by Tonino Delli Colli with Production Design by Carlo Simi.
Thank you, uzi, for pointing out it is not a sawed off, but in fact a cut down Winchester. Blast you, commentary, for getting it wrong!
I have Q and A now!
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…..item 2b)…. youtube video … Once Upon a Time in the West – best scene … 51 seconds …
Uploaded on Mar 31, 2011
Scene from Sergio Leone’s 1968 film Once Upon a Time in the West
Cheyenne: You interested in fashions, Harmonica?
Harmonica: I saw three of these dusters a short time ago,, they were waiting for a train,,… Inside the dusters there were three men.
Cheyenne: So?
Harmonica: Inside the men there were three bullets.
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…..item 2c)…. youtube video … Once Upon A Time In The West – Frank kill family and a kid. … 2:56 minutes …
Uploaded on May 24, 2011
Frank kill family scene. I know that scene is already on Youtube but i did a little bit better video quality and sound.
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…..item 2d)…. youtube video … Making of Once Upon a Time in the West – something to do with death (1/2) … 10:30 minutes …
Uploaded on Aug 24, 2010
[deutsch untertitelt]
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– veleno2000 2 years ago
Danke fürs hochladen
…..item 2e)…. youtube video … Making of Once Upon a Time in the West – something to do with death (2/2) … 7:39 minutes …
Uploaded on Aug 24, 2010
[deutsch untertitelt]
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– ra15899550 1 year ago
This movie and especially the music score will forever be etched in my memory. Even with the minor flaws in some scenes this movie is in the top 5 best all time westerns. Loved all the casting and Claudia is a beauty to behold.
…..item 2f)…. youtube video … The Man With Harmonica … 3:29 minutes …
Uploaded on Jul 5, 2009
No description available.
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…..item 2g)…. youtube video … BEST OF ENNIO MORRICONE – MAN WITH A HARMONICA HQ …
… 3:34 minutes …
Jarek Cimrman
Published on May 3, 2013
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…..item 2h)…. youtube video … ERASE UNA VEZ EN EL OESTE – TRIBUTO A SERGIO LEONE (TRAVIS – EYES WIDE OPEN) … 3:04 minutes …
Published on Apr 6, 2012
Cuarta película de Sergio Leone del año 1968, presentada en España con el título alterno "Hasta que llegó su hora" y cuyo título original es "Once upon a time in the west" (Érase una vez en el oeste). Esta película es un clásico del Western y un referente monumental del cine. Henry Fonda, Charles Bronson, Jason Robards y Claudia Cardinale, protagonizan este film enigmático.
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