Crazy Eye Make Up-How do I know if she has crazy eyes? Should that matter?

crazy eye make up
by id-iom

Question by bobby: How do I know if she has crazy eyes? Should that matter?
One of my close friends says that the girl I just started dating has “the crazy eyes.” What is this? How can I see it for myself? Should I worry about it?
It’s not just from How I Met Your Mother. My close friend that says this has been abroad in different areas of Asia for 8 of the 24 past months and has never seen the show.

Best answer:

Answer by Guardian Mitchell
It’s from How I Met Your Mother, it’s a way of telling if your date is going to be one of those insane women.

Lucky for me, insane is what I aim for.

What do you think? Answer below!

Tags:Crazy, eyes, know, matter, should, Up|How

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