Some cool eye make up for small eyes images:
The eye & I
Image by lokenrc
"Pellucid corneal degeneration with hydrops & detachment of Descemet's membrane" – if that does not scare you, the result of the ailment will. One evening you go to bed with a reddish eye & slight clouding over a part of the pupil, next morning you wake up to find the cloud has spread & you have lost vision. The ghoulish may google it to know more. The remedy – blasting a bubble of air behind your Descemet's membrane to try to stick it back to the cornea. The result – shall tell you after 6 months. If it fails – cornea grafting. If that fails – hope you learn to live with 1 eye. What can you do to avoid it – nothing. As one grows & ages, someone's hair goes gray, someone becomes bald, someone looses teeth, someone suffers from pellucid corneal degeneration with hydrops & detachment of Descemet's membrane. Fortunately, it is rare. Yet, one should not wish ones worst enemy to get it.
Bottom right photo – from left, (a) the bright camera flash. It looks like sun coming out of an eclipse (b) the thick curved whitish layer is the cornea (c) the small hazy cloudlike vertical line is the Descemet's membrane, which should normally stick to the cornea like lovers. Once they part, water seeps in between them and the cornea becomes cloudy.
Top photo taken by my wife on 8.7.07 at Calcutta. The cloudy part looks translucent under camera flash, actually it is much more opaque. Bottom 2 photos, also with camera flash, were taken on 23.7.07 by Disha Eye Hospital & Research Centre, Barrackpore, about 25kM north of Calcutta.
My thanks to Flickr Members, who phoned & wrote. My heartfelt gratitude to my college friend Kamal, who has been accompanying my wife & me back & forth to the hospital. Dr Ayan Mohanta of Disha Eye Hospital quickly diagnosed this rare ailment – both of us hope the treatment will eventually result in substantial return of vision. While ultrasound imaging was in progress, several doctors from the Cornea Dept. came to watch it. Their exclamations of satisfaction gave me some hope of recovery, although I am not quite sure, if they were happy with my eye or the pictures on the computer screen. Being stared at by so many, my eye felt a little like a circus animal performing a rare feat, but otherwise I did not make a spectacle of myself. Anyway, the Descemet's membrane seemed to be good terms with my cornea once again, but it is not functioning any more. I am now in steroids & keeping my fingers crossed.
What can I say for my wife, who keeps continuous watch on me, drips medicine into my eye whole day & shoulders additional domestic burdens, while holding on to her teaching job. In fact, she posted this photo & message in Flickr for me.
Typical of Calcutta, any stranger on the street volunteers to take me across roads with busy & unruly traffic, when I go out alone on errands and to keep my self confidence alive.
edit 9.9.08 : Vision regained
edit 1.3.08 : A short case report of this aparently rare misery has found its way to Journal of Ophthalmology in Developing Countries
Blue and Green Eyes
Image by OneEighteen
There’s a good reason why the literary style of magical realism (exemplified by Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s "100 Years of Solitude") took hold in Colombia. Someone once said that Garcia Marquez didn’t make up magical episodes for his book.. he just reported life around him in Cartagena. For example: When we come to Colombia one of the first items on the agenda is to visit my wife’s sister’s husband’s mother (practically immediate family in South American family tree constructions). She is 94 years old and lives in an ancient house in the old city. When one goes there it’s necessary to knock on a small door set into a huge arched doorway that opens into the inner courtyard of the house. Someone calls out "Quien es?" and if they know you the door opens… but no one is there. Turns out the door is connected by a series of clotheslines, butcher string, hooks and nails to the second floor.
Dona Carmen lives next to a church that is believed to have one of its towers cursed. She swears that a vampire bat from the church tower killed her parrot. She also has this cat…. one of a long line of female cats with one blue and one green eye, black mark on the face, and a black tail. Each cat has just one offspring; female with similar eyes and markings.
Tags:eyes, Great, photos|the, small
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