Question by Picture Imperfect.: What prom makeup will look nice with glasses?
I have to wear my glasses to my senior prom because I can’t see very well without them and I don’t have contacts. Plus I’ve worn glasses throughout my entire four years in high school and they make me who they are, so I’d like to wear them.
But wearing eye makeup is always hard because you can’t really see it well under the frames. I have black frames that are kind of thick. Does anyone have any ideas or tips that will help me with this?
My dress is purple, if that helps at all.
Best answer:
Answer by Miranda
I wear glasses too and what I came to find is a cat eye looks great with glasses… It gives you a fun look… Black eyeliner cat eye with some purple eyeshadow highlights in the eye would look amazing! I would wear a nude pink lip gloss with it too!
Hope this helps… Good luck!
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Tags:glasses, look, makeup, MakeupWhat, Nice, Prom
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