A few nice crazy eye make up images I found:
Day 284: Dry those Teary Eyes
Image by ♥KatB Photography♥
March 7, 2010
Nearly 24 hours into my visit here and I pretty much had an emotional breakdown last night. I became frantic and depressed, similar to what I experienced when Teja was watching 1000 Ways to Die at midnight the other night…but not as extreme. I’m starting to think there’s something wrong with me mentally. I have so many mental problems in my family it would be foolish of me to think I got off scotch free. I actually fear for my children…they have so many physical and mental ailments in their future genes…*sigh*
I’ve been wanting to take a picture with wet hair in the shower but couldn’t at school….SO I did so here while I’m at home. I attempted to make the eye make up myself but all I had to work with was eye shadow that doesn’t smear too well…so I had to do the rest with GIMP…same with the lipstick.
But yes, I took this picture while I was in the shower and the water was FREEZING to keep from fogging up the lens. I was absolutely freezing but I guess it made it easier to curl up and cover myself lol
I’m feeling a little better today…Garry’s been a big help. When I was having my depressive breakdown he was keeping my chin up. We both are going through so much and this is the longest we have been apart…and without any hope of being together again. But I realized we need to keep hope…there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel, even when I sometimes think the tunnel will never end. I just try to think about the good that will come of this…one day Garry and I will be together without the threat of being separated…and we’ll have money, a nice apartment, and a baby on the way. That, to me, is ideal…and that is why I keep going.
TRF: I’m actually running out of ideas :O I want something different…but what? I don’t know… I told mom about Danbo last night and she thought it was a crazy idea. She doesn’t get what’s so appealing about Danbo…oh well *sigh* I’m kinda giving up on that idea for a 365…they’re just too expensive and I won’t be able to get my hands on even one in 2-3 months.
Crazy Eyes
Image by macwagen
The bar across his eyes is for your protection. If you make direct eye contact with Crazy Eyes, he takes it as a threat and will immediately stab, shoot, or otherwise maim you. Even if you’re just looking at a photo of him and look at his eyes, he’ll know, and he’ll find you.
You’re welcome.
Tags:Cool, Crazy, eyes, imagesDay, Teary, Those
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